
When Did Democritus Make His Discovery

As the philosopher Nietzsche famously said "He who would larn to fly 1 day must starting time learn to stand up and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot wing into flying." This is certainly truthful when it comes to humanity's understanding of the universe, something which has evolved over many thousands of years and been the subject field of ongoing discovery.

And forth the manner, many names stand out as examples of people who achieved breakthroughs and helped lay the foundations of our modernistic understanding. One such person is Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher who is viewed past many as beingness the "father of modern science". This is due to his theory of universe that is made upwardly of tiny "atoms", which bears a striking resemblance to modernistic atomic theory.

Though he is typically viewed as i of Greece's many pre-Socratic natural philosopher, many historians have argued that he is more rightly classified as a scientist, at least when compared to his contemporaries. In that location has also been meaning controversy – especially in Germany during the 19th century – over whether or not Democritus deserves credit for atomic theory.

This argument is based on the relationship Democritus had with contemporary philosopher Leucippus, who is renowned for sharing his theory about atoms with him. Still, their theories came downward to a dissimilar basis, a distinction that allows Democritus to be given credit for a theory that would proceed to get a staple of the mod scientific tradition.

Hendrik ter Brugghen - Heraclitus, 1628. Credit:
Democritus, by Hendrik ter Brugghen – Heraclitus, 1628. Credit:

Nascency and Early on Life:

The precise date and location of Democritus birth is the subject the argue. While most sources claim he was built-in in Abdera, located in the northern Greek province of Thrace, around 460 BCE. However, other sources claim he was built-in in Miletus, a littoral city of ancient Anatolia and modern-day Turkey, and that he was born in 490 BCE.

It has been said that Democritus' begetter was from a noble family so wealthy that he received the Western farsi king Xerxes on the latter'due south march through Abdera during the Second Persian State of war (480–479 BC). Information technology is further argued that as a reward for his service, the Farsi monarch gave his begetter and other Abderites gifts, and left several Magi among them. Democritus was apparently instructed past these Magi in astronomy and theology.

Afterward his father had died, Democritus used his inheritance to finance a serial of travels to distant countries. Desiring to feed his thirst for knowledge, Democritus traveled extensively beyond the known world, traveling to Asia, Egypt and (according to some sources) venturing as far equally India and Federal democratic republic of ethiopia. His writings include descriptions of the the cities of Babylon and Meroe (in modernistic-twenty-four hour period Sudan).

Upon returning to his native land, he occupied himself with the study of natural philosophy. He also traveled throughout Greece to acquire a better knowledge of its cultures and learned from many of Greece's famous philosophers. His wealth allowed him to purchase their writings, and he wrote of them in his own works. In fourth dimension, he would become one of the most famous of the pre-Socratic philosophers.

The ruins of the ancient Greeof Abdera, with the west gate shown. Credit:
The ruins of the ancient Greek city of Abdera, with the west gate shown. Credit: Wikipedia Commons/Marysas

Leucippus of Miletus had the greatest influence on him, becoming his mentor and sharing his theory of atomism with him. Democritus is as well said to have known Anaxagoras, Hippocrates and even Socrates himself (though this remains unproven). During his fourth dimension in Arab republic of egypt, he learned from Egyptian mathematicians, and is said to take become acquainted with the Chaldean magi in Assyria.

In the tradition of the atomists, Democritus was a thoroughgoing materialists who viewed the world in terms of natural laws and causes. This differentiated him from other Greek philosophers similar Plato and Aristotle, for whom philosophy was more teleological in nature – i.e. more concerned with the purpose of events rather than the causes, as well things like essence, the soul, and final causes.

According to the many descriptions and anecdotes nearly Democritus, he was known for his modesty, simplicity, and commitment to his studies. I story claims he blinded himself on purpose in order to be less distracted by worldly affairs (which is believed to be counterfeit). He was also known for his humor and is commonly referred to as the "Laughing Philosopher" – for his capacity to laugh at human folly. To his fellow citizens, he was also known as "The Mocker".

Scientific Contributions:

Democritus is renowned for beingness a pioneer of mathematics and geometry. He was amid the outset Greek philosophers to observe that a cone or pyramid has ane-3rd the book of a cylinder or prism with the same base and meridian. While none of his works on the field of study survived the Middle Ages, his mathematical proofs are derived from other works with contain extensive citations to titles similar On Numbers, On Geometrics, On Tangencies, On Mapping, and On Irrationals.

Right circular and oblique circular cones. Credit: Dominique Toussaint
Right circular and oblique circular cones. Credit: Dominique Toussaint

Democritus is also known for having spent much of his life experimenting with and examining plants and minerals. Similar to his piece of work in mathematics and geometry, citations from existing works are used to infer the existence of works on the subject. These include On the Nature of Man, the ii-volume collection On Mankind, On Listen, On the Senses, On Flavors, On Colors, Causes concerned with Seeds and Plants and Fruits, and to the iii-volume drove Causes concerned with Animals.

From his examination of nature, Democritus developed what could be considered some of the first anthropological theories. According to him, homo beings lived short lives in archaic times, forced to provender similar animals until fear of wild animals then collection them into communities. He theorized that such humans had no linguistic communication, and only adult it through the need to articulate thoughts and ideas.

Through a process of trial and fault, human being beings developed not only exact language, but besides symbols with which to communicate (i.e. written language), clothing, fire, the domestication of animals, and agriculture. Each step in this process led to more discoveries, more than complex behaviors, and the many things that came to characterize civilized order.

In terms of astronomy and cosmology, Democritus was a proponent of the spherical Earth hypothesis. He believed that in the original chaos from which the universe sprang, the universe was composed of nil just tiny atoms that came together to class larger units (a theory which bears a striking resemblance to The Big Bang Theory and Nebular Theory). He also believed in the existence of many worlds, which were either in land of growth or decay.

In a similar vein, Democritus avant-garde a theory of void which challenged the paradoxes raised by his young man Greek philosophers, Parmenides and Zeno – the founders of metaphysical logic. According to these men, move cannot be considering such a thing requires at that place to be a void – which is nothing, and therefore cannot be. And a void cannot exist termed as such if it is in fact a definable, existing thing.

To this, Democritus and other atomists argued that since motion is an observable phenomena, there must be a void. This idea previewed Newton's theory of absolute infinite, in which space exists independently of any observer or anything external to it. Einstein'southward theory of relativity also provided a resolution to the paradoxes raised by Parmenides and Zeno, where he asserted that space itself is relative and cannot be separated from time.

Democritus' thoughts on the nature of truth also previewed the development of the modern scientific method. According to Democritus, truth is difficult, because it tin only be perceived through senses-impressions which are subjective. Because of this, Aristotle claimed in his Metaphysics that Democritus was of the opinion that "either there is no truth or to the states at least it is non axiomatic."

However, as Diogenes Laertius quoted in his 3rd century CE tract, Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers : "Past convention hot, by convention cold, but in reality atoms and void, and also in reality we know nothing, since the truth is at bottom."

Diogenes Laërtius: Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers. A biography of the Greek philosophers. Title page from year 1594. Credit: Public Domain
Diogenes Laertius, Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, makes mention of Democritus and his theories. Credit: Public Domain

Ultimately, Democritus' opinion on truth came down to a distinction between two kinds of knowledge – "legitimate" (or "genuine") and bounder (or "cloak-and-dagger"). The latter is concerned with perception through the senses, which is subjective by nature. This is due to the fact that our sense-perception are influence by the shape and nature of atoms as they flow out from the object in question and make an impression on our senses.

"Legitimate" knowledge, past dissimilarity, is accomplished through the intellect, where sense-information is elaborated through reasoning. In this way, one tin become from "bastard" impressions to the point where things similar connections, patterns and causality can exist determined. This is consistent with the anterior reasoning method later elaborated by Renee Descartes, and is a prime case of why Democritus is considered to exist an early on scientific thinker.

Atomic Theory:

However, Democritus greatest contribution to modern science was arguably the atomic theory he elucidated. According to Democritus' atomic theory, the universe and all matter obey the post-obit principles:

  • Everything is equanimous of "atoms", which are physically, but not geometrically, indivisible
  • Between atoms, there lies empty space
  • Atoms are indestructible
  • Atoms accept e'er been, and always will be, in motion
  • There are an infinite number of atoms, and kinds of atoms, which differ in shape, and size.

He was not alone in proposing atomic theory, as both his mentor Leucippus and Epicurus are believed to have proposed the earliest views on the shapes and connectivity of atoms. Like Democritus, they believed that the solidity of a cloth corresponded to the shape of the atoms involved – i.eastward. atomic number 26 atoms are hard, h2o atoms are smooth and glace, fire atoms are light and precipitous, and air atoms are light and whirling.

Democritus' model of an atom was one of an intert solid that ineracted mechanically with other atoms. Credit:
Democritus' model of an cantlet was one of an inert solid that interacted mechanically with other atoms. Credit:

Notwithstanding, Democritus is credited with illustrating and popularizing the concept, and for his descriptions of atoms which survived classical antiquity to influence later philosophers. Using analogies from our sense experiences, Democritus gave a flick or an image of an atom that distinguished them from each other past their shape, size, and the arrangement of their parts.

In essence, this model was i of an inert solid that excluded other bodies from its volume, and which interacted with other atoms mechanically. Equally such, his model included concrete links (i.e. hooks and eyes, balls and sockets) that explained how connections occurred between them. While this bears little resemblance to modern atomic theory (where atoms are not inert and collaborate electromagnetically), information technology is more closely aligned with that of modern science than any other theory of antiquity.

While in that location is no articulate explanation as to how scholars of classical artifact came to theorize the existence of atoms, the concept proved to exist influential, being picked up past Roman philosopher Lucretius in the 1st century CE and again during the Scientific Revolution. In addition to being indispensable to modern molecular and atomic theory, information technology also provided an explanation as to why the concept of a void was necessary in nature.

If all thing was composed of tiny, indivisible atoms, then there must also be a great deal of open space between them. This reasoning has besides gone on to inform out notions of cosmology and astronomy, where Einstein's theory of special relativity was able to do abroad with the concept of a "luminiferous aether" in explaining the beliefs of light.

Early atomic theory stated that different materials had differently shaped atoms. Credit:
Early on diminutive theory stated that unlike materials had differently shaped atoms. Credit:

Diogenes Laertius summarized Democritus atomic theory every bit follows in Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers:

"That atoms and the vacuum were the beginning of the universe; and that everything else existed only in opinion. That the worlds were infinite, created, and perishable. Simply that nothing was created out of null, and that zippo was destroyed so as to become nothing. That the atoms were infinite both in magnitude and number, and were borne about through the universe in endless revolutions. And that thus they produced all the combinations that exist; burn down, water, air, and earth; for that all these things are only combinations of certain atoms; which combinations are incapable of being affected by external circumstances, and are unchangeable by reason of their solidity."

Decease and Legacy:

Democritus died at the age of ninety, which would place his death at around 370 BCE; though some writers disagree, with some challenge he lived to 104 or even 109. According to Marcus Aurelius' book Meditations, Democritus was eaten by lice or vermin, although in the same passage he writes that "other lice killed Socrates", implying that this was meant metaphorically. Since Socrates died at the easily of the Athenian government who condemned him, it is possible that Aurelius attributed Democritus expiry to human folly or politics.

While Democritus was highly esteemed amongst his contemporaries, there were besides those who resented him. This included Plato who, according to some accounts, disliked him so much that he wished that all his books would be burned. Withal, Plato'south educatee Aristotle was familiar with the works of Democritus and mentioned him in both Metaphysics and Physics, where he described him as a "physicist" who did not business organisation himself with the ideals of form or essence.

Democritus meditating on the seat of the soul by Léon-Alexandre Delhomme (1868). Credit: Pubic Domain
Democritus meditating on the seat of the soul, past Léon-Alexandre Delhomme (1868). Credit: Pubic Domain

Ultimately, Democritus is credited as being i of the founders of the modern scientific discipline considering his methods and theories closely resemble those of modernistic astronomers and physicists. And while his version of the atomic model differs greatly from our modern conceptions, his work was of undoubted value, and was a step in an ongoing process that included such scientists as John Dalton, Neils Bohr and even Albert Einstein.

Equally e'er, science is an process of continuing discovery, where new breakthroughs are congenital upon the foundations of the one-time and every generations attempts to come across a petty farther by standing on the shoulders of those who came before.

We have many interesting articles about diminutive theory hither at Universe Today. Here's ane about John Dalton'southward atomic model, Neils Bohr's atomic model, the "Plum Pudding" atomic model.

For more data, bank check out The History of the Atom – Democritus.

Astronomy Cast has a wonderful episode on the subject, titled Episode 392: The Standard Model – Intro


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