
What Makes A Play A Tragedy

Muhammad Rafiq is a freelance author, blogger, and translator with a master's degree in English language literature from the Academy of Malakand.


What Is a Shakespearean Tragedy?

A Shakespearean tragedy is a play penned by Shakespeare himself, or a play written in the style of Shakespeare by a different writer. Shakespearean tragedy has got its own specific features, which distinguish it from other kinds of tragedies. It must be kept in mind that Shakespeare is more often than not indebted to Aristotle's theory of tragedy in his works. The elements of a Shakespearean tragedy are discussed below.

Aristotle's Theory of Tragedy

A tragedy is the fake of an activeness that is serious and too, equally having magnitude, complete in itself; in appropriate and pleasurable linguistic communication; in a dramatic rather than narrative class; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish a catharsis of these emotions."

— Aristotle

The ix Elements of Shakespearean Tragedy at a Glance:

All Shakespearean tragedies include these elements in some shape or form.

Elements Explanation

Tragic Hero

A main character cursed by fate and possessed of a tragic flaw.

A Struggle Between Good and Evil

This struggle can take place equally office of the plot or exist within the principal character.


The fatal grapheme flaw of the tragic hero.

Tragic Waste matter

The expert existence destroyed along with the bad at the resolution of the play. Frequently played out with the unnecessary loss of life, especially of "good guy" characters.

External Conflict

This tin be a problem facing the hero as a result of the plot or a "bad guy" character.

Internal Disharmonize

The struggle the hero engages in with his/her fatal flaw.


The release of the audience's emotions through empathy with the characters.

Supernatural Elements

Magic, witchcraft, ghosts, etc.

Lack of Poetic Justice

Things end poorly for everyone, including the "skillful guys."

Comic Relief

One or more humorous characters who participate in scenes intended to lighten the mood.

What Is a Tragedy?

The word tragedy was derived from the Greek word tragoidia, which means 'the song of the caprine animal.' It is chosen "the song of the caprine animal" considering in aboriginal Greece the theater performers used to wear goatskin costumes to correspond satyrs.

Today in theater and literature a tragedy is a piece of work that has an unhappy ending. The ending must include the main character's downfall.

Sentry My Video on Shakespearean Tragedy

Hamartia, also called tragic flaw, (hamartia from Greek hamartanein, "to err"), inherent defect or shortcoming in the hero of a tragedy, who is in other respects a superior existence favoured by fortune."

— Encyclopedia Britannica

O cursed spite,

That ever I was born to set it correct."

two. Good vs. Evil

Shakespearean tragedies play out the struggle between proficient and evil. About of them deal with the supremacy of evil and suppression of good. According to Edward Dowden, a 19th century noted poet and literary critic, "Tragedy as conceived by Shakespeare is concerned with the ruin or restoration of the soul and of the life of homo. In other words, its subject area is the struggle of Adept and Evil in the world." Evil is presented in Shakespearean tragedies in a way that suggests its existence is an indispensable and always-indelible affair. For example, in Hamlet, the reader is given the impression that something rotten volition definitely happen to Denmark (foreshadowing). Though the reader gets an inkling, typically the common people of the play are unaware of the impending evil.

In Julius Caesar, the mob is unaware of the struggle between practiced and evil within King Caesar. They are besides ignorant of the furtive and sneaky motives of Cassius. Goodness never beats evil in the tragedies of Shakespeare. Evil conquers goodness. The reason for this is that the evil element is always disguised, while goodness is open and freely visible to all. The main character (the most pious and honest person in the tragedy) is assigned the task of defeating the supreme evil because of his goodness. As a result, he suffers terribly and ultimately fails due to his fatal flaw. This tragic sentiment is perfectly illustrated by Hamlet in the following lines:

Tragedy is a serious play or drama typically dealing with the problems of a central character, leading to an unhappy or disastrous ending brought on, as in ancient drama, by fate and a tragic flaw in this character, or, in modernistic drama, commonly by moral weakness, psychological maladjustment, or social pressures."

— Webster Dictionary

3. Hamartia

Hamartia is the Greek give-and-take for "sin" or "error", which derives from the verb hamatanein, meaning "to err" or "to miss the mark". In other words, hamartia refers to the hero'south tragic flaw. It is another absolutely disquisitional element of a Shakespearean tragedy. Every hero falls due to some flaw in his or her graphic symbol. Here I will once over again reference A. C. Bradley, who asserts, "The calamities and catastrophe follow inevitably from the deeds of men and the master source of these deeds is grapheme." Equally a result of the fatal flaw, the hero falls from a high position, which usually leads to his/her unavoidable death.

A expert example of hamartia tin be seen in Hamlet when Hamlet'southward unpleasing judgment and failure to act atomic number 82 him to his untimely decease. He suffers from procrastination. He finds a number of opportunities to kill his uncle, but he fails because of his indecisive and procrastinating nature. Every time, he delays taking activeness. In one instance he finds an opportunity to kill Claudius while Claudius is praying. Still, Hamlet forgoes the excellent opportunity to achieve his goal with the alibi that he doesn't want to impale a man while he is praying. He wants to kill Claudius when he is in the human action of committing a sin. It is this perfectionism, failure to act, and uncertainty about the correct path that ultimately result in Hamlet's death and lead Denmark into anarchy.

How Is a Shakespearean Tragedy Different From a Regular Tragedy?

A Shakespearean tragedy is a specific type of tragedy (a written work with a sad ending where the hero either dies or ends upwardly mentally, emotionally, or spiritually devastated across recovery) that also includes all of the boosted elements discussed in this article.

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Examples of the Elements in Macbeth

The 9 Elements of a Shakespearean Tragedy

Below we are going to take a more in-depth look at each of the elements of Shakespearean tragedy, as well as explore a few examples.

Characteristics of a Tragic Hero

1. The Tragic Hero

A tragic hero is i of the virtually significant elements of a Shakespearean tragedy. This blazon of tragedy is essentially a 1-man show. It is a story about one, or sometimes ii, characters. The hero may be either male or female and he or she must suffer considering of some flaw of graphic symbol, because of inevitable fate, or both. The hero must be the most tragic personality in the play. According to Andrew Cecil Bradley, a noted 20th century Shakespeare scholar, a Shakespearean tragedy "is essentially a tale of suffering and calamity conducting to decease." (Usually the hero has to face expiry in the end.)

An important characteristic of the tragic hero is that he or she is a towering personality in his/her state/kingdom/state. This person hails from the aristocracy stratum of club and holds a loftier position, oftentimes i of royalty. Tragic heroes are kings, princes, or military generals, who are very important to their subjects. Accept Hamlet, prince of Kingdom of denmark; he is intellectual, highly educated, sociable, charming, and of a philosophic bent. The hero is such an important person that his/her death gives rise to full-scale turmoil, disturbance, and chaos throughout the state. When Village takes revenge for the death of his father, he is not just killing his uncle simply inviting his ain death at the hands of Laertes. And as a direct issue of his expiry, the army of Fortinbras enters Denmark to take control.

four. Tragic Waste

In Shakespearean tragedies, the hero ordinarily dies forth with his opponent. The expiry of a hero is not an ordinary decease; it encompasses the loss of an exceptionally intellectual, honest, intelligent, noble, and virtuous person. In a tragedy, when good is destroyed along with evil, the loss is known as a "tragic waste." Shakespearean tragedy always includes a tragic waste of goodness. Hamlet is a perfect example of tragic waste. Even though Village succeeds in uprooting the evil from Kingdom of denmark, he does and then at the cost of his expiry. In this case, the adept (Village) gets destroyed along with evil (Claudius). Neither of them wins. Instead, they fail together.

five. Conflict

Disharmonize is another imperative chemical element of a Shakespearean tragedy. There are 2 types of conflicts:

External Disharmonize

External conflict plays a vital function in the tragedies of Shakespeare. External disharmonize causes internal conflict in the listen of the tragic hero. Every tragic hero in a Shakespearean play is confronted with external conflicts that must be addressed. Village, for example, is confronted with external conflict in the shape of his uncle, Claudius. He has to accept revenge, but as a result of his uncle's craftiness and effective security, Hamlet isn't able to translate his ideas into action. This external disharmonize gives ascent to internal conflict, which hinders Village from taking whatsoever action.

Internal Conflict

Internal conflict is one of the most essential elements in a Shakespearean tragedy. Information technology refers to the confusion in the mind of the hero. Internal disharmonize is responsible for the hero's fall, along with fate or destiny. The tragic hero always faces a disquisitional dilemma. Often, he cannot make a determination, which results in his ultimate failure. Again, Hamlet is a perfect example. He is commonly a doer, just over the form of the play, his indecision and frequent philosophical hangups create a barrier to action. Internal disharmonize is what causes Hamlet to spare the life of Claudius while he is praying.

6. Catharsis

Catharsis is a remarkable feature of a Shakespearean tragedy. It refers to the cleansing of the audience'south pent-upwards emotions. In other words, Shakespearean tragedies help the audience to feel and release emotions through the assistance of tragedy. When we watch a tragedy, we place with the characters and accept their losses personally. A Shakespearean tragedy gives the states an opportunity to experience pity for a certain graphic symbol and fright for some other, almost as if we are playing the roles ourselves. The hero's hardships compel us to empathize with him. The villain's cruel deeds cause us to experience wrath toward him. Tears menses freely when a hero similar Hamlet dies. At the aforementioned time we feel both sorry for Hamlet and happy that Claudius has received his proper penalisation.

7. Supernatural Elements

Supernatural elements are another key attribute of a Shakespearean tragedy. They play an import role in creating an temper of awe, wonder, and sometimes fear. Supernatural elements are typically used to advance the story and drive the plot. The ghost Hamlet sees plays an of import role in stirring up internal conflict. It is the ghost who tells Village his begetter was killed by his uncle Claudius and assigns him the duty of taking revenge. Similarly, the witches in Macbeth play a meaning function in the plot. These witches are responsible for motivating Macbeth to resort to murder in order to arise the throne of Scotland.

8. Absence of Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice means adept is rewarded and evil is punished; it refers to a situation in which everything comes to a plumbing equipment and just terminate. There is no poetic justice in the tragedies of Shakespeare, rather, these plays incorporate only fractional justice. Shakespeare understood that poetic justice rarely occurs exterior of fiction. Skillful deeds oft become without reward and immoral people are frequently free to bask life to its fullest. "Practice skillful and take good" was considered an outdated ethos in the time of Shakespeare, which is why we don't detect whatsoever poetic justice in his tragedies. Adept is crushed along with evil. Hamlet dies along with Claudius.

9. Comic Relief

Comic relief is our final key element. Shakespeare didn't follow in the footsteps of his classical predecessors when writing tragedies. Greek and Roman writers didn't utilize comic relief. Merely Shakespeare wanted to relieve the tension for the reader and lighten up the mood here and there. A few examples of comic relief scenes include the grave digger scene in Hamlet, the drunken port scene in Macbeth, the fool is smarter than the king dialogue in King Lear, and the Polonius in the wings spoken language in Village. We also have the post-obit scene in Romeo and Juliet:

MERCUTIO: "No, 'tis non so deep as a well, nor and so wide every bit a church building-door, but 'tis plenty; 'twill serve. Ask for me to-morrow, and y'all shall find me a grave man. I am pepper'd, I warrant, for this world."

Village: Whose Grave'due south this, sirrah?


Village: What man dost thou dig it for?

CLOWN: For no man, sir.

HAMLET: What woman and then?

CLOWN: For none neither.

Village: Who is to be buried in't?

CLOWN: One that was a adult female, sir; but, remainder her soul, she'southward expressionless.

HAMLET: How accented the knave is! We must speak past the carte, or equivocation volition undo us.

— Shakespeare

Other Types of Shakespearean Plays

Shakespeare'south tragedies are certainly among his nigh famous works. They include classics similar Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Julius Caesar, and Romeo and Juliet, all of which are mentioned to a higher place. Even so, tragedies were not the only blazon of play he wrote. In fact, many of his other works fall into 3 distinct categories. They include comedies (like A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado Virtually Nothing, and The Taming of the Shrew), histories (such as Anthony and Cleopatra, Henry VIII, and Richard Three), and romances (including The Tempest, Cymbeline, and The Winter's Tale). Each blazon of Shakespearean play, the tragedies, comedies, histories, and romances, accept their own fix of defining characteristics uniquely attributed to The Bard himself, and those characteristics are responsible for the indelible popularity of his works and style today.

Works Cited:


1. A History of English language Literature past Dr. T. Singh

2. A Critical History of English language Literature past B.R. Mulik

iii. A Critical History of English Literature by David Daiches

4. A History of English Literature past Compton Rickett






This content is accurate and truthful to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Muhammad Rafiq

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1)the story of one man

ii)suffering and death

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Faryal on March 14, 2018:

Outstanding notes

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Pakistan on February 15, 2018:

Thank you for your comments. I am glad it helped you lot.

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Pakistan on February fifteen, 2018:

Y'all are welcome Dat Boi!

christianah on February 14, 2018:

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Random person on Nov xix, 2017:

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fathima on November 15, 2017:


Chandrasnata kar on October 17, 2017:

Sir, what is the deviation between Greek tragedy and Shakespearean tragedy?

linny on Oct 06, 2017:

thank you!

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Pakistan on October 06, 2017:

Ok, become ahead.

lordina Enyan on October 05, 2017:

Please i want to cite your work

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Islamic republic of pakistan on October 04, 2017:

Yes, he is a tragic hero. He possesses every characteristic of a tragic hero. Read this article:

Ajit Kumar Dash on October 03, 2017:

Is there any circumstances that presents Dr Faustus as a Shakespearean tragic hero?

Nafees on October 01, 2017:

Great task

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Pakistan on October 01, 2017:

You are welcome!

cerise on Oct 01, 2017:

tHiS iS really heLpFul . ThAnkS buD :D

Omar Kusturica on August 13, 2017:

Is Village the but tragedy Shakespeare wrote ? Macbeth can be seen ultimately the triumph of good over evil. Even in Hamlet, the evil does not triumph over the good, but both collapse in the terminate.

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Pakistan on July 19, 2017:

Thanks for your comments. I am glad it helped you.

Swathi on July 19, 2017:

One of the all-time site for reference. With unproblematic language and brief explanations , i found this site really helpful for students. Cheers Mr. Muhammad :)

Dilip Barman on July 12, 2017:

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Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Islamic republic of pakistan on June 14, 2017:

Thanks for stopping past and commenting.

zoop on June 14, 2017:

Hi, cheers so much for producing such an amazing article that is very informative and smashing for learning more almost Shakespearean tragedy!

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Islamic republic of pakistan on May 19, 2017:

Thanks Zee Qureshi for your comments. I'm glad it helped you.

Zee Qureshi on May 19, 2017:

I am the educatee of English language Literature. These notes helped me a lot to know more about Shakespearean Tragedy. Fantabulous piece of work!

ijaz ul haq on May 12, 2017:

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Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Pakistan on May 01, 2017:

Thanks Jabbar for your comments.

Jabbar Dayo on May 01, 2017:

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Thanks to proviDe suCh cognition

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Pakistan on April xxx, 2017:

Thanks for your comments. I'chiliad glad information technology helped you lot.

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Rehnoor on April 20, 2017:

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Sam on April xix, 2017:

(Shakespeare incorporated new elements into tragedy that expanded the concept from how Aristotle defines tragedy why would there exist desire to change? ) can u answer me this?

Muhammad Rafiq (author) from Islamic republic of pakistan on March 24, 2017:

Thanks for your comments. I'thousand glad it helped you lot.

Divya vishwanathan on March 24, 2017:

Information technology Is a fantastic caption in its simplest way which can exist understood by whatever of the needy person .... Thank u Muhammad Rafiq

Mahua on March 11, 2017:

Macbeth is a tragedy created by Shakespear. The character has a negative office with a motive. how will you count out the elements of tragedy from this play.

jess on March 02, 2017:

What is his flaw


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